Day 44 Across Formosa Bay

"Kenya's Bay of Biscay" for sailors: windy, waves that come in from hundreds of miles and very limited ports of refuge. We had both treated this section with a high degree of trepidation, and put it off 2 weeks ago, as the sea was still too rough. 

Last night, we realised we had an unexpected problem: light winds were forecast so could we make the 100km before nightfall? That meant up at 5am, a quick breakfast and we weighed anchor at 6am, just after first light. 

After 90 mins we passed Ras Ngomeni, the final headland and into the Bay. We had decided to go for the most direct route, straight across and then pass outside Ziwayiu Islands in the North.

The day grew hotter and we were dousing ourselves with sea water. The boat is very impressive in the light airs, plugging away at a steady 9 or 10 kilometres an hour. We were on a reach (wind from the side) and could just fly the spinnaker, which we had up nearly all day. Around midday we could not see any land at all which made us feel pretty remote. 

We arrived at Tenewe Ya Juu Island at 4.30, with plenty of time before nightfall! There is a strong current so we decided to roll the boat up the beach for the first time - entertaining and remarkably straightforward. No picture, sorry, here we are 5 minutes before arriving  You see our island.

The island is a bar of sand behind an old old coral reef. There is about the size of a small football pitch out of the sea and much less at spring high tide. The reef is teaming with birds and water creatures, like this cowrie, which is the first I have seen living in its real habitat.

For now, it's bedtime after a long day. We brought 18 inch bamboo sticks for the tents, as normal pegs don't work in the sand. Let's hope it doesn't rain!


  1. The infamous sticks, glad they did the job…


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