Day 42 Kilifi to Watamu

1st November 2022. Here we are, the sailing. Keeping the best until last. We missed the wind at the beginning of the year and so we are now sailing from South to North instead, hopefully catching the last of the Kusi wind from the South East.

We were waved off from the beach by the Fevre family having packed a lot of kit, including 50 litres of water into our boat, The Mousehole Cat. She is a very fine Wayfarer, which is a 16ft dinghy.

We set off upwind, as from Kilifi you have to go South East first, to get through the "mlango" or gate in the reef.
Then it was bear away, turn left, spinnaker up and head for Watamu, some 25 miles / 40 km away.

We are fully covered up for the sun. The wind was gentle and the tuna fish were busy, leaping about amongst the seaguls.

Coming in to Watamu Creek was all about preparation: Tom had an exact route to get through the channel on the GPS. Sails down, electric motor on. You can get an idea of how shallow it is from this short clip. We are now 22nm / 40km into our journey to Lamu, with 3 or 4 more days of sailing to go.

We are in a hotel tonight ... smart. We went for a sundowner and the place was packed with all types who seemed youthful compared to us. And it's a Tuesday in the quiet season??


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