Day 35 to Nurra

Our camp was right down in a lugga so the morning started with a steep climb out, to get the leg muscles loosened up. We were cutting a corner, and went up through a dry forest before dropping down into a gorge.

This kept the sun off us, at times very narrow. It was a porcupine's paradise; we saw their droppings all the way along and then found the remains of one, maybe taken by a leopard, 100 spines all that remained. They seem to like hedgehogs too, leaving the spines shrivelled like a spiky purse.

We left the gorge and up and over to another sandy one, where we were rejoined by the camels. Half a dozen camels carry breakfast, drinking water and anything else that might be needed during the day. The main group come behind, a further 34 camels, who walk in groups of 4 tied together. That is more than Helen would normally take but it's been so dry there is extra water to carry some days. She has 100 in all, they join her aged 3 and start work aged 5 and carry on until they are about 13 or 15 years old.

Along the way a "scout" often appears, wearing the Milgis Trust uniform. These men live locally and keep an eye on what is happening in their area and report back as necessary. When we pass through, its a time to catch up and discuss any issue that have arisen, with Helen and her team. Each scout is with is for 24 hours, as we move through the Ndoto Mountains.

We are camping by a well near a village. The men have washed their shukas and all the water containers have been filled, there is no more water for the next 2 or even 3 nights. Water is an issue for us on the move, but here, the restricted diet can often mean that people are short of vitamin C, particulalrly women, who stay in the village and do not herd the animals, which is done by the men who can pick fruits and berries on the way, bringing variety to their diet.

Lots of birds today including a Warburg's Eagle, Marshall Eagle, pigmy battus, cameroptera and an orange bellied parrot (heard only).

Tomorrow, further up into the hills, ready to cross over the main path to the North.


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