Day 32 Walk to Loidongo Lugga

So, we are back on our journey! And for this leg are rejoined by Catherine and Emma. And we are joined by Tim, a friend of the Szlapaks from the US and Sandy, who has taken a long week out of school. 

When we cycled up to Lkanto in May, we really felt we had got to the far north of the country. But today, we headed off further north, to walk through the Ndoto Mountains. Into the real wild.
We are walking and Helen's camels are carrying the camp, as we walk up the dry luggas. There has not been proper rain here since March 2020, but it is in the area, as we flew over flowing rivers on the way in this morning. 
Here is our camp tonight, taken from a nearby hill. 
Our team of Samburu seem to have procured a goat for their supper and are preparing it on a bed of leaves as a makeshift kitchen surface, to reduce the sand and the dust that seems to get into everything given the opportunity. 
Just a short walk of 10km today, we will be longer tomorrow and looking forwards to it.  We saw a somber nighjar nestling under a rock, golden breasted starling and a golden winged bat, which of course is not a bird at all....


  1. Nice. I like the bird updates, hope the goat was good. Travel well & let us know if there is any fishing opps for sandy…

  2. What a great idea for Sandy to join you. Thanks for going to the effort to get a mobile signal to publish this. If you can drop a pin to share your location then that would be great to look up on a map where you are.

  3. Hi Tom, Emma and Sandy,
    Those are great photos and I can see why you are having an interesting time. It is a relief to know that you are now understanding Helen's navigation skills. This afternoon went to hear our local announcement of the King's Accession Declaration followed by us all shouting "God Save The King" and then singing the National Anthem. A different way of spending a Sunday afternoon. These two days have given us some fascinating ceremonies. We are having a lovely time with Hunter, Kirsty and Gareth here.
    Lots of love to you all

  4. What an incredible start to this leg of your amazing adventure! We love your post & photos and really admire you taking the time out to update us all. Its an amazing record and feels surreal to be reading about the journey in almost real time from the comfort of London! Please do keep us posted - and remember that the detailed practicalities of your day are as fascinating as the daily "big" events!


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