Day 29 to Ol Malo

Back on the road today, heading north. Just 40km to Ol Malo, which is closed for the off season but has welcomed us with our little tents, none the less.

Our route ran out this morning. All of a sudden there was no road at all, not even a motorbike track. Anyway, that is part of the fun of finding our way. It felt very remote and wild with a few lion tracks in evidence. Scattered settlements of just a handful of bomas. 

This chap here was also on the lookout for something. He was not working there, that much we ascertained; slightly incongruous. 

So for now we can concentrate on more route planning for the next 3 days and get our tents up.


  1. Looks pretty dry - where are you guys filling up? And presumably it’s off grid battery charging every night? Hope you find that trail tomorrow. Rest up well gents.

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