Day 9 Walk to Kichwa Tembo
Do you reckon we are camping in the same spot as the picture? We continue to be impressed by many of the things these men acheived: today we came across the original water pipe from Mzima Springs to Voi. This was often a victim of sabotage in the war of attrition with the Germans, on their part simply to draw Allied resources away from the Western Front.
Today was shorter in distance, only 13km walked but no less hot! The river has developed a meander, narrow but cutting deeply into the rock in places. We went up, over and down various shoulders to cut these corners. Many hippo today (fascinating close-up through binoculars, with course whiskers) but we did not see any elephants, even though the name of our camp means "head of the elephant"
Today we saw striped hyena (very rare, "you are running out of new mammals to see") and African hare. Tom wants to see a zorilla, so may need to go on a night game drive but is fast asleep by then.
On the bird front we saw white backed vulture, Von der Decken's hornbill and white throated bee eater. Late extra: Nubian night jar.
Our camp team continue to impress. They have everything. Including, needless to say, the kitchen sink.
And finally, another palm shot, before sundowners!
a lovely spot.....and near where the Roest family famously spent the night in their car stuck in the mud. You guys are powering through!