Day 14: Cycle to Kimana Sanctuary

We are on our first "proper" cycle. We have talked about this for so long that is great to hit the road in ernest. Bike looks full, but we think we will use everything anything else can be ditched for the next leg. We each set off with 5 litres of water, which may be needed on the longer days.

It was mostly up hill for the first 40km, climbing the ante-foothills of Kilimanjaro, which we just saw through the clouds
Despite carrying water and snacks, the opportunity to stop for a mandazi and soda could not be missed. Daniel entertained the locals royally for 10 mins and we heard some great insights into the forthcoming election
Further on was tomato village, we have never seen so many being grown at once or being sold in such quantities, with 10s of pickers in the adjoining fields. 
67km later and we are at Kimani Sanctuary, what a gem. We are taking their tents rather than pitching our own. You can see why!

We have already seen a huge number of game, including elephants. Please visit them Kimana Sanctuary It self catering and we are happy to eat through some of what we are carrying. 

Finally, here is one for the TikTok generation:


  1. I'm glad that you were able to make a start yesterday, as your quads must have been burning after your 40km climb! Beautiful views - well done boys! Enjoy your luxury tent tonight 😴

  2. whoever that dude is he looks like a #intstainfluencer

  3. Great stuff guys. I am cheered by your selection of luxury over hardship. After my own heart! Looks fantastic . Keep enjoying!


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