
Showing posts from December, 2021

Introduction: Lamu to Jade Sea in 2022

In 2015, Daniel Szlapak and Tom Morton climbed Nelion together, the 2nd highest peak on Mt. Kenya. At the time, they vowed to have more adventures in the future. Roll forwards to 2022, and they will both be 50. Mulling things over, they decided to travel across Kenya under their own steam, combining passions for sailing, cycling and the great outdoors. There have been various iterations and routes discussed over the last year . . . We plan to be "on the go" for about 3 months, but to do the journey aver 9 months or so, to fit with other family commitments and the weather.  We set off from Lamu Island, on the north Kenya coast in our Wayfarer, The Mousehole Cat to sail to Malindi. Here she is being launched by Tom's family earlier in December: Lamu to Jade Sea is not about being the first or the quickest, it is just meant to be a good fun adventure, where we are joined by family and friends on some of the legs and are able to share with others unable to be with us.